Protect your customers' mental health and increase your revenue

Provide your own branded mental health therapy platform

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Empowering everyone to care for anyone

Meet the mental health needs of your customers with our branded counselling networks

Provide your customers with access to your own branded mental health therapy platform, that matches people to the right counsellor.

Join businesses throughout the UK providing support

Redefining mental health support
Don't refer people away, provide support yourself!

With mental health challenges on the rise, it’s more important than ever for to provide essential mental health support to the people you care about. 

However, we know it can be a struggle to meet this need effectively.

Referring your customers elsewhere for support seems like the only solution. But there’s good news — it’s not!

With Paranimo, you can reclaim the power of mental health support and keep it in the hands of your business.

Match customers to the right therapist

It’s powered by an easy to use counsellor matching process for better mental health outcomes

Everyone wins

You meet the mental health needs of your customers. Users can either self fund counselling sessions, or your customer pays for on their behalf.

When someone gets the help they need, you generate revenue from the session.

A new mental health capability that makes you the hero 

Through our Branded Counselling Networks, you’ll gain access to hundreds of UK-based counsellors who are ready to offer personalised therapy sessions online.

Address the unmet mental health needs in your customers, while promoting accessibility and empowerment for all.

Giving you the opportunity to grow your business, whilst helping people in need

✔️A new capability to support your customers mental health needs  
✔️A new relationship opportunity to build trust as a valued service provider
✔️A new commercial opportunity to generate revenue from your platform.

How it works

In just four easy steps, you’re ready to roll. Learn how:

Step one: Build it
Working closely with you, our team will design and build your branded counselling network platform.

Step 2: Personalise it
Set therapy session prices, usage limits and payees to match your specific goals and customer needs.

Step 3: Launch it
Seamlessly onboard your customers with unique sign-up links for the pre-set schemes you’ve created in Step 2.

Step 4: Support and Earn
As users sign up to your platform and match with counsellors, you’ll generate revenue from each session.

We partner with the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society, enabling access to hundreds of accredited and qualified counsellors

Nadia Siouty

Specialises in:

Trauma; Stress; Low Self Esteem

View profile >

Julie McAulay

Specialises in:

Stress; Low Self Esteem

View profile >

Sarah Jennings

Specialises in:

Stress; Relationships

View profile >

Gareth Strangemore-Jones

Specialises in:

Grief; Sleep; Trauma; Stress

View profile >

Dena Ludford

Specialises in:


View profile >

Simon Moran

Specialises in:

Grief; Family Issues; Trauma; Stress; Low Self Esteem

View profile >

Frequently asked questions

Need help with something? Here are our most frequently asked questions.

How do I make revenue from this
How are sessions paid for?
Are you therapists accredited?
Isn't' this just like an EAP / I already refer people to an EAP


“Thank you for everything you’ve been doing. It’s some really great work and I know that people will really benefit from it.”

Meg Nun


“I feel so much better now. thank you!”



“Paranimo are about to make our dream come true! Providing the right mental health support to unpaid carers to help support their mental wellbeing”

Charity Manager

and Counsellor

“I am so impressed with your service – it’s amazing.”



“You’ve create a very intuitive platform that provides a long overdue solution significant problem. For that, I applaud and thank you”



“This has honestly made things a lot easier for me to even begin to look at finding someone to help me out! Thank you!!”

Self Funded


Book a demo

Providing personalised mental healthcare to customers can be simple. Let us show you how.

Book a demo today and discover how Paranimo's Branded Counselling Networks can empower you to care for anyone.